Lua笔记(19)—— 表达式(expression)和语句(statement)


Expressions denote values. Expressions in Lua include the numeric constants and string literals, variables, unary and binary operations, and function calls. Expressions include also the unconventional function definitions and table constructors.



Lua supports an almost conventional set of statements, similar to those in C or Pascal. The conventional statements include assignment, control structures, and procedure calls. Lua also supports some not so conventional statements, such as multiple assignments and local variable declarations.


《Lua笔记(19)—— 表达式(expression)和语句(statement)》有4个想法

  1. 博主,你这个有时候很慢啊。都快10多秒了,但有时候很快。慢的时候是左下角一直卡在加载googlela…什么的,难道必须翻墙吗

    1. 我用的是Chrome浏览器,看起来速度还可以。个人感觉应该取决于当时的网络状况。兴许主机的提供商有时也有问题,但是过一会应该就好了。


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