configure script may not check pthread correctly on OpenBSD

I have come into at least 2 times that one project was built well on Linux, while can’t find pthread related definitions on OpenBSD, like this:

../../runtime/cilk-internal.h:39:6: error: unknown type name 'pthread_mutex_t'
     pthread_mutex_t posix;
../../runtime/cilk-internal.h:211:6: error: unknown type name 'pthread_t'
     pthread_t *tid;
../../runtime/cilk-internal.h:216:6: error: unknown type name 'pthread_cond_t'
     pthread_cond_t  waiting_workers_cond;
../../runtime/cilk-internal.h:217:6: error: unknown type name 'pthread_cond_t'
     pthread_cond_t  wakeup_first_worker_cond;
../../runtime/cilk-internal.h:218:6: error: unknown type name 'pthread_cond_t'
     pthread_cond_t  wakeup_other_workers_cond;
../../runtime/cilk-internal.h:219:6: error: unknown type name 'pthread_mutex_t'
     pthread_mutex_t workers_mutex;
../../runtime/cilk-internal.h:220:6: error: unknown type name 'pthread_cond_t'
     pthread_cond_t  workers_done_cond;

The source code is as following:

#include <pthread.h>

While the generated config.h doesn’t define HAVE_PTHREAD macro:

/* Define if you have POSIX threads libraries and header files. */
/* #undef HAVE_PTHREAD */

But in fact, the OpenBSD has provided all support of pthread. So please be aware of this issue.

The difference between const&constexpr objects in C++

In C++, const object means once initialized, its value can’t be changed. The initialization can occur in compile-time:

const auto c = 0;

Or in run-time:

#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>

auto func()
    return std::rand() % 10;

int main()
    const auto c = func();

    return 0;

For constexpr objects, you can think they are a subset of const objects, and the constexpr object’s value must be determined in compile-time. Change the declaration of c in above code:

constexpr auto c = func();

The code can’t be compiled because the c‘s value couldn’t be generated during compilation phrase.

The anatomy of uptime&w commands on OpenBSD

On OpenBSD, uptime and w are actually the same program:

$ ls -lt /usr/bin/uptime /usr/bin/w
-r-xr-xr-x  2 root  bin  18136 May 30 12:53 /usr/bin/uptime
-r-xr-xr-x  2 root  bin  18136 May 30 12:53 /usr/bin/w

and the source code is usr.bin/w/w.c.

Compare the outputs of uptime and w:

$ uptime
10:59AM  up 7 days,  1:51, 1 user, load averages: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
$ w
10:59AM  up 7 days,  1:51, 1 user, load averages: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
root     p0     9:10AM     0 w

You can see the uptime just displays the first line of w, and w also shows the login users’ information.

w uses clock_gettime to get system up time:

if (clock_gettime(CLOCK_BOOTTIME, &boottime) != -1) {

and getloadavg to retrieve system load average int the past 1, 5, and 15 minutes:

getloadavg(double loadavg[], int nelem)
    mib[0] = CTL_VM;
    mib[1] = VM_LOADAVG;
    size = sizeof(loadinfo);
    if (sysctl(mib, 2, &loadinfo, &size, NULL, 0) < 0)
        return (-1);

The current user login information is kept in /var/run/utmp, and it is composed of utmp struct:

struct utmp {
    char    ut_line[UT_LINESIZE];
    char    ut_name[UT_NAMESIZE];
    char    ut_host[UT_HOSTSIZE];
    time_t  ut_time;

utmp.ut_line is the login terminal (remove “tty” prefix); utmp.ut_name is the login user name; utmp.ut_host is the login address and the utmp.ut_timeis the login time. These are the first 4 columns of every line:

root     p0     9:10AM     0 w

The IDLE column displays how long has passed since you last operates on terminal:

if ((ep->idle = now - stp->st_atime) < 0)
        ep->idle = 0;

and WHAT shows the current process.

Boolean in newLISP

In newLISP, true represents Boolean true:

> (if true (println "yes") (println "no"))

while nil represents Boolean false:

> (if nil (println "yes") (println "no"))

Like lua, 0 is evaluated true:

> (if 0 (println "yes") (println "no"))

empty list is also treated as false:

> (if '() (println "yes") (println "no"))

Check the following result:

> (if false (println "yes") (println "no"))

The reason is false is not defined here and its value is nil:

> false

You can assign true to false and do some crazy thing:

> (let (false true) (if false (println "yes") (println "no")))


Fix “==> ERROR: options array contains unknown option ‘!upx'” on ArchLinux

You may bump into following error when installing packages from AUR:

$ makepkg -si
==> ERROR: options array contains unknown option '!upx'

One workaround is open the PKGBUILD file, and spot the line which contains options:

options=('staticlibs' 'libtool' '!upx')

Remove the !upx, then you can build it now.

dropbox: unrecognized !upx in the options array.