The analysis of gRPC communication mode

The route_guide program is a very good tutorial to learn gRPC, I will use it as an example to analyze the gRPC programming.

Compile the program with debug information, so it is easy to use gdb to manipulate them. Modify Makefile:

CXXFLAGS += -std=c++11 -g

(1) Start route_guide_server application, and use gdb to step-into route_guide_client:

221     int main(int argc, char** argv) {
(gdb) n
223       std::string db = routeguide::GetDbFileContent(argc, argv);
226                               grpc::InsecureChannelCredentials()),
[New Thread 0x7ffff502f700 (LWP 25947)]
[New Thread 0x7ffff482e700 (LWP 25948)]
225           grpc::CreateChannel("localhost:50051",
227           db);
DB parsed, loaded 100 features.

Check current network status:

$ netstat -an | grep 50051
tcp6       0      0 :::50051                :::*                    LISTEN

From this, we can know grpc::CreateChannel() function doesn’t create connection to server, and it just does some initialization work.

(2) Since simple RPC is one-request/one-response mode, and it’s really easy, I won’t discuss it here.

(3) Server-side streaming RPC is one-request/multiple-response mode. The client code skeleton is like this:

std::unique_ptr<ClientReader<Feature> > reader(
        stub_->ListFeatures(&context, rect));
while (reader->Read(&feature)) {
Status status = reader->Finish();
if (status.ok()) {
} else {

After client sends request (stub_->ListFeatures(&context, rect)), it will read all the responses from server until reader->Read() returns false. Then using reader->Finish() to check the status. The server code is simple, just send all responses:

for (......) {

But how about client not want to continue to process the responses in the middle? It likes this:

while (reader->Read(&feature)) {
  if (some error) {
Status status = reader->Finish();
if (status.ok()) {
} else {

After experimenting, the client will block at reader->Finish() function. You can refer Be careful of using grpc::ClientStreamingInterface::Finish() function. There are 2 methods I can figure out to handle this case:
a) Don’t call reader->Finish():

while (reader->Read(&feature)) {
  if (some error) {

b) Or although there is error, still consume other messages:

while (reader->Read(&feature)) {
  if (some error) {
while (reader->Read(&feature)) {
    // do nothing, just comsume other messages.
Status status = reader->Finish();
if (status.ok()) {
} else {

Honestly, I don’t dive into the gRPC code. But from testing, the above 2 methods seems all work correctly.

(4) Client-side streaming RPC is multiple-request/one-response mode, the client code framework is like this:

std::unique_ptr<ClientWriter<Point> > writer(
    stub_->RecordRoute(&context, &stats));
for (......) {
  if (!writer->Write(f.location())) {
    // Broken stream.
Status status = writer->Finish();
if (status.ok()) {
  // Check stats from server
} else {

The client code is simple, just tries best to send all requests. Once finish transmitting, calls writer->WritesDone() and blocks writer->Finish() to wait server’s response. For server code, it’s also brief:

while (reader->Read(&point)) {

If the program breaks the while loop half way:

while (reader->Read(&point)) {
  if (some error) {

That is OK too.

(5) The last flow is bidirectional streaming RPC, which is multiple-request/multiple-response mode. For the server code framework, it is neat, just sends response according request:

while (stream->Read(&note)) {

But for client side, it is a little complicated:

Status status = stream->Finish();
if (!status.ok()) {
} else {

You must pay attention to the same problem as Server-side streaming RPC, that is, if there is pending server’s responses before stream->Finish(), it will cause client block forever:

while (reader->Read(&feature)) {
  if (some error) {
Status status = reader->Finish();

In a summary, gRPC is a brilliant communication framework which hides so many dirty details and let you focus on message definitions. If you are considering doing some network programming, you can try it, and I think it can’t make you disappointed.

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