
以下摘自The Go Programming Language

The type of a function is sometimes called its signature. Two functions have the same type or signature if they have the same sequence of parameter types and the same sequence of result types. The names of parameters and results don’t affect the type, nor does whether or not they were declared using the factored form.

Every function call must provide an argument for each parameter, in the order in which the parameters were declared. Go has no concept of default parameter values, nor any way to specify arguments by name, so the names of parameters and results don’t matter to the caller except as documentation.

Parameters are local variables within the body of the function, with their initial values set to the arguments supplied by the caller. Function parameters and named results are variables in the same lexical block as the function’s outermost local variables.

Arguments are passed by value, so the function receives a copy of each argument; modifications to the copy do not affect the caller. However, if the argument contains some kind of reference, like a pointer, slice, map, function, or channel, then the caller may be affected by any modifications the function makes to variables indirectly referred to by the argument.


In a function with named results, the operands of a return statement may be omitted. This is called a bare return.

Error handling in Go has a particular rhythm. After checking an error, failure is usually dealt with before success. If failure causes the function to return, the logic for success is not indented within an else block but follows at the outer level. Functions tend to exhibit a common structure, with a series of initial checks to reject errors, followed by the substance of the function at the end, minimally indented.

Functions are first-class values in Go: like other values, function values have types, and they may be assigned to variables or passed to or returned from functions. A function value may be called like any other function.

The zero value of a function type is nil. Calling a nil function value causes a panic.

Function values may be compared with nil.but they are not comparable, so they may not be compared against each other or used as keys in a map.


A variadic function is one that can be called with varying numbers of arguments. The most familiar examples are fmt.Printf and its variants. Printf requires one fixed argument at the beginning, then accepts any number of subsequent arguments.

To declare a variadic function, the type of the final parameter is preceded by an ellipsis, “…”, which indicates that the function may be called with any number of arguments of this type.


Syntactically, a defer statement is an ordinary function or method call prefixed by the keyword defer. The function and argument expressions are evaluated when the statement is executed, but the actual call is deferred until the function that contains the defer statement has finished, whether normally, by executing a return statement or falling off the end, or abnormally, by panicking. Any number of calls may be deferred; they are executed in the reverse of the order in which they were deferred.

A defer statement is often used with paired operations like open and close, connect and disconnect, or lock and unlock to ensure that resources are released in all cases, no matter how complex the control flow. The right place for a defer statement that releases a resource is immediately after the resource has been successfully acquired.

During a typical panic, normal execution stops, all deferred function calls in that goroutine are executed, and the program crashes with a log message. This log message includes the panic value, which is usually an error message of some sort, and, for each goroutine, a stack trace showing the stack of function calls that were active at the time of the panic. This log message often has enough information to diagnose the root cause of the problem without running the program again, so it should always be included in a bug report about a panicking program.


When a panic occurs, all deferred functions are run in reverse order, starting with those of the topmost function on the stack and proceeding up to main.


If the built-in recover function is called within a deferred function and the function containing the defer statement is panicking, recover ends the current state of panic and returns the panic value. The function that was panicking does not continue where it left off but returns normally. If recover is called at any other time, it has no effect and returns nil.

Recovering indiscriminately from panics is a dubious practice because the state of a package’s variables after a panic is rarely well defined or documented. Perhaps a critical update to a data structure was incomplete, a file or network connection was opened but not closed, or a lock was acquired but not released. Furthermore, by replacing a crash with, say, a line in a log file, indiscriminate recovery may cause bugs to go unnoticed.

Recovering from a panic within the same package can help simplify the handling of complex or unexpected errors, but as a general rule, you should not attempt to recover from another package’s panic. Public APIs should report failures as errors. Similarly, you should not recover from a panic that may pass through a function you do not maintain, such as a caller-provided callback, since you cannot reason about its safety.

For all the above reasons, it’s safest to recover selectively if at all. In other words, recover only from panics that were intended to be recovered from, which should be rare. This intention can be encoded by using a distinct, unexported type for the panic value and testing whether the value returned by recover has that type. If so, we report the panic as an ordinary error; if not, we call panic with the same value to resume the state of panic.


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