Linux kernel 笔记 (20)——设备的major和minor号

/dev目录下执行ls -lt命令:


Capture 上面红框框起来的部分就是设备号,前面是major,后面是minor major号表示设备所使用的驱动,而minor号则表示具体的设备。在上图中,tty的驱动都是driver 4,而利用minor号区别不同的tty设备。 另外,通过/proc/devices文件也可以看到设备所使用的驱动,即major号:

linux-a21w:/dev # cat /proc/devices
Character devices:
  1 mem
  4 /dev/vc/0
  4 tty
  4 ttyS
  5 /dev/tty
  5 /dev/console
  5 /dev/ptmx
  7 vcs


/* <linux/types.h>: */
typedef __u32 __kernel_dev_t;
typedef __kernel_dev_t      dev_t;

/* <linux/kdev_t.h> */
#define MINORBITS   20
#define MINORMASK   ((1U << MINORBITS) - 1)

#define MAJOR(dev)  ((unsigned int) ((dev) >> MINORBITS))
#define MINOR(dev)  ((unsigned int) ((dev) & MINORMASK))
#define MKDEV(ma,mi)    (((ma) << MINORBITS) | (mi))

dev_t32 bit长,其中高12位是major,低20位是minor



int register_chrdev_region(dev_t from, unsigned count, const char *name) 


 * register_chrdev_region() - register a range of device numbers
 * @from: the first in the desired range of device numbers; must include
 *        the major number.
 * @count: the number of consecutive device numbers required
 * @name: the name of the device or driver.
 * Return value is zero on success, a negative error code on failure.
int register_chrdev_region(dev_t from, unsigned count, const char *name)
    struct char_device_struct *cd;
    dev_t to = from + count;
    dev_t n, next;

    for (n = from; n < to; n = next) {
        next = MKDEV(MAJOR(n)+1, 0);
        if (next > to)
            next = to;
        cd = __register_chrdev_region(MAJOR(n), MINOR(n),
                   next - n, name);
        if (IS_ERR(cd))
            goto fail;
    return 0;
    to = n;
    for (n = from; n < to; n = next) {
        next = MKDEV(MAJOR(n)+1, 0);
        kfree(__unregister_chrdev_region(MAJOR(n), MINOR(n), next - n));
    return PTR_ERR(cd);



register_chrdev_region(MKDEV(TTYAUX_MAJOR, 1), 1, "/dev/console")


int alloc_chrdev_region(dev_t *dev, unsigned int firstminor, unsigned int count, char *name);


 * alloc_chrdev_region() - register a range of char device numbers
 * @dev: output parameter for first assigned number
 * @baseminor: first of the requested range of minor numbers
 * @count: the number of minor numbers required
 * @name: the name of the associated device or driver
 * Allocates a range of char device numbers.  The major number will be
 * chosen dynamically, and returned (along with the first minor number)
 * in @dev.  Returns zero or a negative error code.
int alloc_chrdev_region(dev_t *dev, unsigned baseminor, unsigned count,
            const char *name)
    struct char_device_struct *cd;
    cd = __register_chrdev_region(0, baseminor, count, name);
    if (IS_ERR(cd))
        return PTR_ERR(cd);
    *dev = MKDEV(cd->major, cd->baseminor);
    return 0;


alloc_chrdev_region(&watchdog_devt, 0, MAX_DOGS, "watchdog");


void unregister_chrdev_region(dev_t first, unsigned int count);



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