
以下摘自The Go Programming Language

In Go, a map is a reference to a hash table, and a map type is written map[K]V, where K and V are the types of its keys and values. All of the keys in a given map are of the same type, and all of the values are of the same type, but the keys need not be of the same type as the values. The key type K must be comparable using ==, so that the map can test whether a given key is equal to one already within it. Though floating-point numbers are comparable, it’s a bad idea to compare floats for equality, especially bad if NaN is a possible value. There are no restrictions on the value type V. The built-in function make can be used to create a map.


A map element is not a variable, and we cannot take its address:
_ = &ages[“bob”] // compile error: cannot take address of map element
One reason that we can’t take the address of a map element is that growing a map might cause rehashing of existing elements into new storage locations, thus potentially invalidating the address.


The zero value for a map type is nil, that is, a reference to no hash table at all.
var ages map[string]int
fmt.Println(ages == nil) // “true”
fmt.Println(len(ages) == 0) // “true”
Most operations on maps, including lookup, delete, len, and range loops, are safe to perform on a nil map reference, since it behaves like an empty map. But storing to a nil map causes a panic:
ages[“carol”] = 21 // panic: assignment to entry in nil map
You must allocate the map before you can store into it.


As with slices, maps cannot be compared to each other; the only legal comparison is with nil.


Sometimes we need a map or set whose keys are slices, but because a map’s keys must be comparable, this cannot be expressed directly. However, it can be done in two steps. First we define a helper function k that maps each key to a string, with the property that k(x) == k(y) if and only if we consider x and y equivalent. Then we create a map whose keys are strings, applying the helper function to each key before we access the map.
The same approach can be used for any non-comparable key type, not just slices. It’s even useful for comparable key types when you want a definition of equality other than ==, such as case-insensitive comparisons for strings. And the type of k(x) needn’t be a string; any comparable type with the desired equivalence property will do, such as integers, arrays, or structs.

docker笔记(9)—— 通过systemd管理docker

包括RHEL在内的很多Linux操作系统通过systemd管理docker。例如启动和停止docker daemon

# systemctl start docker
# systemctl stop docker

另外,可以使用systemctl status docker检查目前docker daemon的运行状态:

# systemctl status docker
● docker.service - Docker Application Container Engine
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/docker.service; enabled)
  Drop-In: /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d
   Active: active (running) since Mon 2016-03-28 23:04:48 EDT; 21min ago
     Docs: https://docs.docker.com
 Main PID: 64991 (docker)
   CGroup: /system.slice/docker.service
           └─64991 /usr/bin/docker daemon -D -H fd://

Mar 28 23:08:51 lxc-dl980-g7-1-hLinux docker[64991]: time="2016-03-28T23:08:51.685679667-04:00" level=debug msg="devmapper: Delete...START"
Mar 28 23:08:51 lxc-dl980-g7-1-hLinux docker[64991]: time="2016-03-28T23:08:51.688765554-04:00" level=debug msg="devmapper: issueD...START"
Mar 28 23:08:51 lxc-dl980-g7-1-hLinux docker[64991]: time="2016-03-28T23:08:51.689292872-04:00" level=debug msg="devmapper: activa...c9f6)"
Mar 28 23:08:53 lxc-dl980-g7-1-hLinux docker[64991]: time="2016-03-28T23:08:53.050572512-04:00" level=debug msg="devmapper: issueD.... END"

配置文件是/lib/systemd/system/docker.service,修改这个文件后要记得使用systemctl daemon-reload命令重新加载一下。

systemctl show docker命令显示docker的各种配置信息:

~# systemctl show docker
TimeoutStopUSec=1min 30s


绑定service和运行的CPUhttps://www.golinuxhub.com/2018/02/how-to-assign-service-to-specific-core/ 。

Control and configure Docker with systemd



以下摘自The Go Programming Language

A slice has three components: a pointer, a length, and a capacity. The pointer points to the first element of the array that is reachable through the slice, which is not necessarily the array’s first element. The length is the number of slice elements; it can’t exceed the capacity, which is usually the number of elements between the start of the slice and the end of the underlying array. The built-in functions len and cap return those values.Multiple slices can share the same underlying array and may refer to overlapping parts of that array:



The slice operator s[i:j], where 0 ≤ i ≤ j ≤ cap(s), creates a new slice that refers to elements i through j-1 of the sequence s, which may be an array variable, a pointer to an array, or another slice. The resulting slice has j-i elements. If i is omitted, it’s 0, and if j is omitted, it’s len(s).


Since a slice contains a pointer to an element of an array, passing a slice to a function permits the function to modify the underlying array elements. In other words, copying a slice creates an alias for the underlying array.


Unlike arrays, slices are not comparable, so we cannot use == to test whether two slices contain the same elements. The standard library provides the highly optimized bytes.Equal function for comparing two slices of bytes ([]byte), but for other types of slice, we must do the comparison ourselves.


The only legal slice comparison is against nil, as in
if summer == nil { /* … */ }
The zero value of a slice type is nil. A nil slice has no underlying array. The nil slice has length and capacity zero, but there are also non-nil slices of length and capacity zero, such as []int{} or make([]int, 3)[3:]. As with any type that can have nil values, the nil value of a particular slice type can be written using a conversion expression such as []int(nil).

var s []int // len(s) == 0, s == nil

s = nil // len(s) == 0, s == nil

s = []int(nil) // len(s) == 0, s == nil

s = []int{} // len(s) == 0, s != nil

So, if you need to test whether a slice is empty, use len(s) == 0, not s == nil. Other than comparing equal to nil, a nil slice behaves like any other zero-length slice.




# cat /proc/self/mountinfo
17 61 0:16 / /sys rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime shared:6 - sysfs sysfs rw,seclabel
18 61 0:3 / /proc rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime shared:5 - proc proc rw
19 61 0:5 / /dev rw,nosuid shared:2 - devtmpfs devtmpfs rw,seclabel,size=6024144k,nr_inodes=1506036,mode=755


# df -h
Filesystem             Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/rhel-root   50G   44G  6.5G  88% /
devtmpfs               5.8G     0  5.8G   0% /dev
tmpfs                  5.8G   84K  5.8G   1% /dev/shm




# uptime
 19:05:33 up  3:16,  2 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05

19:05:33是当前系统时间,up 3:16是系统已经运行了3小时16分。后面还有用户和系统load信息。如果只关心系统运行了多次时间,可以使用下列命令:

# uptime -p
up 3 hours, 16 minutes


# cat /proc/uptime
11984.78 95454.77

第一个字段是系统启动的秒数,第二个字段是系统每个CPU core处在idle状态的时间总和。




Swap space in Linux is used when the amount of physical memory (RAM) is full. If the system needs more memory resources and the RAM is full, inactive pages in memory are moved to the swap space. While swap space can help machines with a small amount of RAM, it should not be considered a replacement for more RAM. Swap space is located on hard drives, which have a slower access time than physical memory.




以下摘自Specfs, Devfs, Tmpfs, and Others

specfs – specfs, or Special FileSystem, is a virtual filesystem used to access special device files. This filesystem is odd compared to other filesystems in general because this filesystem does not require a mount-point, yet the OS can still use specfs. However, specfs can be mounted by the user (mount -t specfs none /dev/streams). The device files for character devices in the /dev/ directory use specfs.

devfs – devfs is a device manager in the form of a filesystem. The Device FileSystem is largely the same as specfs except for some differences in the way they function and their uses. devfs is used for most of the device files in /dev/. Most Unix and Unix-like systems use devfs including Mac OS X, *BSD, and Solaris. Nearly all Unix and Unix-like systems that use devfs place it on the kernelspace. However, Linux uses a userspace-kernelspace hybrid approach. This means the devfs virtual filesystem is on the kernelspace and userspace.

tmpfs – The Temporary filesystem is a virtual filesystem for storing temporary files. This filesystem is really in the memory and/or in the swap space. Obviously, all data on this filesystem are lost when the system is shutdown. The mount point is /tmp/.

devtmpfs – This is an improved devfs. The purpose of devtmpfs is to boost boot-time. devtmpfs is more like tmpfs than devfs. The mount-point is /dev/. devtmpfs only creates device files for currently available hardware on the local system.

devfs是文件系统形式的device managertmpfs存在在内存和swap中,因此只能保存临时文件。devtmpfs是改进的devfs,也是存在内存中,挂载点是/dev/


如何理解Go程序发生panic时stack trace中的函数参数

Stack Traces In Go这篇文章主要讲了当Golang程序发生panic时,如何读懂stack trace中的函数参数。归纳为下面两个例子:


package main

import "fmt"

type trace struct{}

func main() {
    slice := make([]string, 2, 4)

    var t trace
    t.Example(slice, "hello", 10)

func (t *trace) Example(slice []string, str string, i int) {
    fmt.Printf("Receiver Address: %p\n", t)
    panic("Want stack trace")


Receiver Address: 0x570560
panic: Want stack trace

goroutine 1 [running]:
main.(*trace).Example(0x570560, 0xc08201ff50, 0x2, 0x4, 0x4ecc10, 0x5, 0xa)
        C:/Work/gocode/src/Hello.go:16 +0x11d
        C:/Work/gocode/src/Hello.go:11 +0xb5



package main
func main() {
    Example(true, false, true, 25)

func Example(b1, b2, b3 bool, i uint8) {
    panic("Want stack trace")


panic: Want stack trace

goroutine 1 [running]:
        C:/Work/gocode/src/Hello.go:7 +0x6b
        C:/Work/gocode/src/Hello.go:3 +0x39





Recursion And Tail Calls In Go这篇文章讲了用goroutine实现函数递归调用:这样做可以避免过多函数调用引起的堆栈空间的不断增大,感觉很巧妙。以下是例子代码:

package main
import "fmt"

func recursiveCall(product int, num int, ch chan int)  {
    product += num

    if num == 1 {
        ch <- product

    go recursiveCall(product, num - 1, ch)

func main()  {
    ch := make(chan int)
    go recursiveCall(0, 4, ch)
    product := <-ch
    fmt.Printf("Product is %d\n", product)


Product is 10


Go语言的string和byte slice之间的转换

以下摘自The Go Programming Language

A string contains an array of bytes that, once created, is immutable. By contrast, the elements of a byte slice can be freely modified.

Strings can be converted to byte slices and back again:
s := “abc”
b := []byte(s)
s2 := string(b)

Conceptually, the []byte(s) conversion allocates a new byte array holding a copy of the bytes of s, and yields a slice that references the entirety of that array. An optimizing compiler may be able to avoid the allocation and copying in some cases, but in general copying is required to ensure that the bytes of s remain unchanged even if those of b are subsequently modified. The conversion from byte slice back to string with string(b) also makes a copy, to ensure immutability of the resulting string s2.

由于Go语言中字符串是不可修改的,因此如果要修改其中内容,就要把其转化成byte slice。此外,byte slice也可以转化成字符串。这两种转化都需要分配一块新的内存,然后进行内容拷贝。