

// Manager is the cluster manager for Swarm.
// This is the high-level object holding and initializing all the manager
// subsystems.
type Manager struct {
    RaftNode   *raft.Node

raft.Node(定义在manager/state/raft/raft.go)则包含一个*events.Broadcaster成员,用来接收改变manager role的消息(变成leader还是follower):

// Node represents the Raft Node useful
// configuration.
type Node struct {
    leadershipBroadcast *events.Broadcaster

发送改变当前manager role的代码位于manager/state/raft/raft.go

// Run is the main loop for a Raft node, it goes along the state machine,
// acting on the messages received from other Raft nodes in the cluster.
// Before running the main loop, it first starts the raft node based on saved
// cluster state. If no saved state exists, it starts a single-node cluster.
func (n *Node) Run(ctx context.Context) error {
            // If we cease to be the leader, we must cancel
            // any proposals that are currently waiting for
            // a quorum to acknowledge them. It is still
            // possible for these to become committed, but
            // if that happens we will apply them as any
            // follower would.
            if rd.SoftState != nil {
                if wasLeader && rd.SoftState.RaftState != raft.StateLeader {
                    wasLeader = false
                    if atomic.LoadUint32(&n.signalledLeadership) == 1 {
                        atomic.StoreUint32(&n.signalledLeadership, 0)
                } else if !wasLeader && rd.SoftState.RaftState == raft.StateLeader {
                    wasLeader = true

            if wasLeader && atomic.LoadUint32(&n.signalledLeadership) != 1 {
                // If all the entries in the log have become
                // committed, broadcast our leadership status.
                if n.caughtUp() {
                    atomic.StoreUint32(&n.signalledLeadership, 1)


// Run starts all manager sub-systems and the gRPC server at the configured
// address.
// The call never returns unless an error occurs or `Stop()` is called.
func (m *Manager) Run(parent context.Context) error {
    leadershipCh, cancel := m.RaftNode.SubscribeLeadership()
    defer cancel()

    go m.handleLeadershipEvents(ctx, leadershipCh)


    go func() {
            err := m.RaftNode.Run(ctx)
            if err != nil {




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