SystemTap 笔记 (8)—— typecasting

当指针是一个void *类型,或是保存为整数后,可以使用cast运算符指定指针的数据类型:

@cast(p, "type_name"[, "module"])->member

可选的module参数用来指定从哪里得到type_name(The optional module tells the translator where to look for information about that type. Multiple modules may be specified as a list with : separators. If the module is not specified, it will default either to the probe module for dwarf probes, or to “kernel” for functions and all other probes types.)。


The translator can create its own module with type information from a header surrounded by angle brackets, in case normal debuginfo is not available. For kernel headers, prefix it with “kernel” to use the appropriate build system. All other headers are build with default GCC parameters into a user module. Multiple headers may be specified in sequence to resolve a codependency.

@cast(tv, “timeval”, “<sys/time.h>”)->tvsec
@cast(task, “task
struct”, “kernel<linux/sched.h>”)->tgid
@cast(task, “taskstruct”, “kernel<linux/sched.h><linux/fsstruct.h>”)->fs->umask


# stap -e 'probe kernel.function("do_dentry_open") {printf("%d\n", $f->f_flags); exit(); }'


# stap -e 'probe kernel.function("do_dentry_open") {printf("%d\n", @cast($f, "file", "kernel<linux/fs.h>" )->f_flags); exit(); }'


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