SystemTap 笔记 (16)—— probe alias

Probe alias的语法:

probe <alias> = <probepoint> { <prologue_stmts> }
probe <alias> += <probepoint> { <epilogue_stmts> }

(1)第一种方式定义的prologue_stmts会在probe handler执行前执行,而第二种方式定义的<epilogue_stmts>则会在probe handler执行后执行。要注意,上述的方式只是定义了probe alias,而并没有激活它们(参考Re: How does stap execute probe aliases?):

# cat timer_test.stp

probe timer_alias = timer.s(3) {printf("Entering timer\n")}
# ./timer_test.stp
semantic error: no probes found
Pass 2: analysis failed.  [man error::pass2]


# cat timer_test.stp

probe timer_alias = timer.s(3) {printf("Entering timer\n")}
probe timer_alias {}
# ./timer_test.stp
Entering timer


# cat timer_test.stp

probe timer_alias = timer.s(3) {printf("Entering timer\n")}
probe timer_alias += timer.s(3) {printf("Leaving timer\n")}
probe timer_alias {printf("In timer \n")}
# ./timer_test.stp
Entering timer
In timer
In timer
Leaving timer

它相当于执行下面的脚本(参考 Re: Why is the same log printed twice when using probe alias?):

# cat timer_test.stp

probe timer.s(3)
        printf("Entering timer\n")
        printf("In timer\n")
probe timer.s(3)
        printf("In timer\n")
        printf("Leaving timer\n")

(3) Alias suffixes

It is possible to include a suffix with a probe alias invocation. If only the initial part of a probe point matches an alias, the remainder is treated as a suffix and attached to the underlying probe point(s) when the alias is expanded. For example:

/* Define an alias: */
probe sendrecv = tcp.sendmsg, tcp.recvmsg { … }

/* Use the alias in its basic form: */
probe sendrecv { … }

/* Use the alias with an additional suffix: */
probe sendrecv.return { … }

Here, the second use of the probe alias is equivalent to writing probe tcp.sendmsg.return, tcp.recvmsg.return.



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