
GENERATE PARENTHESES这篇文章讲解了如何使用Depth First Search,即DFS算法生成所有有效的括号组合:

void generateParentheses(int n) {
    dfs("", n, n);
void dfs(String s, int left, int right) // build the set of solutions using DFS approach
    if(left == 0 && right == 0) // BASE CASE: there is no more parentheses to add? we have a solution!
    if(left > 0) // while we have left parentheses to add, just add them
        dfs(s + "(", left - 1, right); // we call our function recursively with a left parentheses added
    if(right > left) // We are gonna add a right parentheses if we have more right parentheses than left ones
        dfs(s + ")", left, right - 1);


if(left == 0 && right == 0) // BASE CASE: there is no more parentheses to add? we have a solution!


if(left > 0) // while we have left parentheses to add, just add them
    dfs(s + "(", left - 1, right); // we call our function recursively with a left parentheses added
if(right > left) // We are gonna add a right parentheses if we have more right parentheses than left ones
    dfs(s + ")", left, right - 1);


if(left > 0) // while we have left parentheses to add, just add them
    dfs(s + "(", left - 1, right); // we call our function recursively with a left parentheses added

会递归地生成当前位置是(的所有情况。if(right > left)分支则会生成当前位置是)的所有情况。


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