
Daniel Lemirebenchmark代码展示了在X86平台上,如何度量一段代码运行了多少时钟周期:

#define RDTSC_START(cycles)                                                    \
  do {                                                                         \
    unsigned cyc_high, cyc_low;                                                \
    __asm volatile("cpuid\n\t"                                                 \
                   "rdtsc\n\t"                                                 \
                   "mov %%edx, %0\n\t"                                         \
                   "mov %%eax, %1\n\t"                                         \
                   : "=r"(cyc_high), "=r"(cyc_low)::"%rax", "%rbx", "%rcx",    \
                     "%rdx");                                                  \
    (cycles) = ((uint64_t)cyc_high << 32) | cyc_low;                           \
  } while (0)

#define RDTSC_FINAL(cycles)                                                    \
  do {                                                                         \
    unsigned cyc_high, cyc_low;                                                \
    __asm volatile("rdtscp\n\t"                                                \
                   "mov %%edx, %0\n\t"                                         \
                   "mov %%eax, %1\n\t"                                         \
                   "cpuid\n\t"                                                 \
                   : "=r"(cyc_high), "=r"(cyc_low)::"%rax", "%rbx", "%rcx",    \
                     "%rdx");                                                  \
    (cycles) = ((uint64_t)cyc_high << 32) | cyc_low;                           \
  } while (0)
cycles_diff = (cycles_final - cycles_start);

这段代码其实参考自How to Benchmark Code Execution Times on Intel® IA-32 and IA-64 Instruction Set Architectures,原理如下:






Daniel LemireMeasuring the system clock frequency using loops (Intel and ARM)讲述了如何利用汇编指令来度量系统的时钟频率。以Intel X86处理器为例(ARM平台原理类似):

; initialize 'counter' with the desired number
dec counter ; decrement counter
jnz label ; goes to label if counter is not zero

在实际执行时,现代的Intel X86处理器会把decjnz这两条指令“融合”成一条指令,并在一个时钟周期执行完毕。因此只要知道完成一定数量的循环花费了多长时间,就可以计算得出当前系统的时钟频率近似值。

代码中,Daniel Lemire使用了一种叫做“measure-twice-and-subtract”技巧:假设循环次数是65536,每次实验跑两次。第一次执行65536 * 2次,花费时间是nanoseconds1;第二次执行65536次,花费时间是nanoseconds2。那么我们就得到3个执行65536次数的时间:nanoseconds1 / 2nanoseconds1 - nanoseconds2nanoseconds2。这三个时间之间的误差必须小于一个值才认为此次实验结果是有效的:

double nanoseconds = (nanoseconds1 - nanoseconds2);
if ((fabs(nanoseconds - nanoseconds1 / 2) > 0.05 * nanoseconds) or
    (fabs(nanoseconds - nanoseconds2) > 0.05 * nanoseconds)) {
  return 0;


std::cout << "Got " << freqs.size() << " measures." << std::endl;
std::cout << "Median frequency detected: " << freqs[freqs.size() / 2] << " GHz" << std::endl;


$ lscpu
CPU MHz:             1000.007
CPU max MHz:         3700.0000
CPU min MHz:         1000.0000


$ ./loop.sh
g++ -O2 -o reportfreq reportfreq.cpp  -std=c++11 -Wall -lm
measure using a tight loop:
Got 9544 measures.
Median frequency detected: 3.39196 GHz

measure using an unrolled loop:
Got 9591 measures.
Median frequency detected: 3.39231 GHz

measure using a tight loop:
Got 9553 measures.
Median frequency detected: 3.39196 GHz

measure using an unrolled loop:
Got 9511 measures.
Median frequency detected: 3.39231 GHz

measure using a tight loop:
Got 9589 measures.
Median frequency detected: 3.39213 GHz

measure using an unrolled loop:
Got 9540 measures.
Median frequency detected: 3.39196 GHz





# sysctl hw.model hw.machine hw.ncpu
hw.model: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU          6600  @ 2.40GHz
hw.machine: amd64
hw.ncpu: 2


# grep -i cpu /var/run/dmesg.boot
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU          6600  @ 2.40GHz (2400.05-MHz K8-class CPU)
FreeBSD/SMP: Multiprocessor System Detected: 2 CPUs
cpu0: <ACPI CPU> on acpi0
cpu1: <ACPI CPU> on acpi0
est0: <Enhanced SpeedStep Frequency Control> on cpu0
est1: <Enhanced SpeedStep Frequency Control> on cpu1
SMP: AP CPU #1 Launched!


# dmidecode -t processor -t cache
# dmidecode 3.0
Scanning /dev/mem for entry point.
SMBIOS 2.4 present.

Handle 0x0004, DMI type 4, 35 bytes
Processor Information
        Socket Designation: LGA 775
        Type: Central Processor
        Family: Pentium 4
        Manufacturer: Intel
        ID: F6 06 00 00 FF FB EB BF
        Signature: Type 0, Family 6, Model 15, Stepping 6
                FPU (Floating-point unit on-chip)
                VME (Virtual mode extension)
                DE (Debugging extension)
                PSE (Page size extension)
Handle 0x0005, DMI type 7, 19 bytes
Cache Information
        Socket Designation: L1-Cache
        Configuration: Enabled, Not Socketed, Level 1
        Operational Mode: Write Back
        Location: Internal
        Installed Size: 32 kB
        Maximum Size: 32 kB

FreeBSD CPU Information Command
What is the equivalent of /proc/cpuinfo on FreeBSD v8.1?





$ lscpu
CPU(s):                24
On-line CPU(s) list:   0-23
Thread(s) per core:    2
Core(s) per socket:    6
Socket(s):             2

系统有2个物理CPUSocket(s): 2),每个CPU6coreCore(s) per socket: 6),而每个core又有2hardware threadThread(s) per core: 2)。所以整个系统上一共有2X6X2=24CPU(s):24)个逻辑CPU,也就是实际运行程序的CPU



(2) Setup中选择Columns,然后在Available Columns中选择PROCESSOR - ID of the CPU the process last executed, 接下来按F5Add)和F10Done)即可:




#include <omp.h>

int main(void){

        #pragma omp parallel num_threads(4)

        return 0;


$ gcc -fopenmp thread.c
$ ./a.out &
[1] 17235



How to find out which CPU core a process is running on


这篇笔记摘自Professional CUDA C Programming

Threads on a CPU are generally heavyweight entities. The operating system must swap threads on and off CPU execution channels to provide multithreading capability. Context switches are slow and expensive.
Threads on GPUs are extremely lightweight. In a typical system, thousands of threads are queued up for work. If the GPU must wait on one group of threads, it simply begins executing work on another.
CPU cores are designed to minimize latency for one or two threads at a time, whereas GPU cores are designed to handle a large number of concurrent, lightweight threads in order to maximize throughput.
Today, a CPU with four quad core processors can run only 16 threads concurrently, or 32 if the CPUs support hyper-threading.
Modern NVIDIA GPUs can support up to 1,536 active threads concurrently per multiprocessor. On GPUs with 16 multiprocessors, this leads to more than 24,000 concurrently active threads.

CUDA编程笔记(3)——Heterogeneous architecture

这篇笔记摘自Professional CUDA C Programming

A typical heterogeneous compute node nowadays consists of two multicore CPU sockets and two or more many-core GPUs. A GPU is currently not a standalone platform but a co-processor to a CPU. Therefore, GPUs must operate in conjunction with a CPU-based host through a PCI-Express bus. That is why, in GPU computing terms, the CPU is called the host and the GPU is called the device.


A heterogeneous application consists of two parts:
➤ Host code
➤ Device code
Host code runs on CPUs and device code runs on GPUs. An application executing on a heterogeneous platform is typically initialized by the CPU. The CPU code is responsible for managing the environment, code, and data for the device before loading compute-intensive tasks on the device.

There are two important features that describe GPU capability:
➤ Number of CUDA cores
➤ Memory size
Accordingly, there are two different metrics for describing GPU performance:
➤ Peak computational performance
➤ Memory bandwidth
Peak computational performance is a measure of computational capability, usually defined as how many single-precision or double-precision floating point calculations can be processed per second. Peak performance is usually expressed in gflops (billion floating-point operations per second) or tflops (trillion floating-point calculations per second). Memory bandwidth is a measure of the ratio at which data can be read from or stored to memory. Memory bandwidth is usually expressed in gigabytes per second, GB/s.

CUDA编程笔记(2)——GPU core VS CPU core

这篇笔记摘自Professional CUDA C Programming

Even though many-core and multicore are used to label GPU and CPU architectures, a GPU core is quite different than a CPU core.
A CPU core, relatively heavy-weight, is designed for very complex control logic, seeking to optimize the execution of sequential programs.
A GPU core, relatively light-weight, is optimized for data-parallel tasks with simpler control logic, focusing on the throughput of parallel programs.





# vmstat
procs -----------memory---------- ---swap-- -----io---- -system-- ------cpu-----
 r  b   swpd   free   buff  cache   si   so    bi    bo   in   cs us sy id wa st
 2  0      0 1860352    948 131040    0    0  2433   137  252  897  2  7 90  1  0


us sy id wa st
2  7 90  1  0

要注意,上面数字的含义是百分比。即CPU运行user space程序的时间占2%,。。。


ususer time):CPU运行user space代码的时间;
sysystem time):CPU运行kernel代码的时间,比如执行系统调用;
ididle time):CPU处于idle状态的时间;
waIO-wait time):CPU处于idle状态,因为所有正在运行的进程都在等待I/O操作完成,因此当前无可以调度的进程;
ststolen time):CPU花费在执行系统上运行的虚拟机的时间。

The precise meaning of I/O wait time in Linux
Linux Performance Analysis in 60,000 Milliseconds



# swarmctl service create --help
Create a service

  swarmctl service create [flags]

  --cpu-limit string            CPU cores limit (e.g. 0.5)
  --cpu-reservation string      number of CPU cores reserved (e.g. 0.5)
  --memory-limit string         memory limit (e.g. 512m)
  --memory-reservation string   amount of reserved memory (e.g. 512m)


Docker service Limits and Reservations


Docker run命令的--cpuset-cpus选项,指定container运行在特定的CPU core上。举例如下:

# docker run -ti --rm --cpuset-cpus=1,6 redis

另外还有一个--cpu-shares选项,它是一个相对权重(relative weight),其默认值是1024。即如果两个运行的container--cpu-shares值都是1024的话,则占用CPU资源的比例就相等。