Mesos笔记 (2)—— 启动Slave脚本时注意事项

启动Mesos slave脚本时,要使用root权限。如果和Mesos Master运行在不同Server上,要指定所在机器的IP

$ sudo ./bin/ --master= --ip=

下文引自Building Applications on Mesos

Since the slaves need to be able to launch containers and ensure that the executors are run as specific users, the slave process typically runs as root , so that it can create containers and run different executors as different users.



以下摘自The Go Programming Language

A var declaration creates a variable of a particular type, attaches a name to it, and sets its initial value. Each declaration has the general form
var name type = expression
Either the type or the = expression part may be omitted, but not both. If the type is omitted, it is determined by the initializer expression. If the expression is omitted, the initial value is the zero value for the type, which is 0 for numbers, false for booleans, “” for strings, and nil for interfaces and reference types (slice, pointer, map, channel, function). The zero value of an aggregate type like an array or a struct has the zero value of all of its elements or fields.

short variable declarations are used to declare and initialize the majority of local variables. A var declaration tends to be reserved for local variables that need an explicit type that differs from that of the initializer expression, or for when the variable will be assigned a value later and its initial value is unimportant:
i := 100 // an int
var boiling float64 = 100 // a float64
var names []string
var err error
var p Point

关于“A var declaration tends to be reserved for local variables that need an explicit type that differs from that of the initializer expression,”的理解:var boiling float64 = 100如果使用i := 100的形式来定义,则会认为iint,而不是float