Install bcc on ArchLinux

To install bcc on ArchLinux, firstly you need to setup yaourt from AUR:

$ git clone
$ cd yaourt
$ makepkg -si

Then execute yaourt bcc command:

# yaourt bcc
1 aur/bcc 0.3.0-1 [installed] (17) (2.51)
    BPF Compiler Collection - C library and examples
2 aur/bcc-git v0.1.8.r330.52cd371-1 (2) (0.06)
    BPF Compiler Collection - C library and examples
3 aur/bcc-tools 0.3.0-1 [installed] (17) (2.51)
    BPF Compiler Collection - Tools
4 aur/bcc-tools-git v0.1.8.r330.52cd371-1 (2) (0.06)
    BPF Compiler Collection - Tools

Select the order number of bcc, bcc-tools, python-bcc and python2-bcc, and install them.

Once finished, the bcc would be installed in the directory of /usr/share/bcc:

# ls
examples  man  tools

To facilitate your daily work, you can add man pages and tools in your .bashrc file:


You can also install from source code:

git clone
mkdir bcc/build; cd bcc/build
sudo make install

P.S. To run tools shipped in bcc, you need to install kernel header files:

sudo pacman -S linux-headers

Update on 28/10/2020
Currently, bcc is the official package and split to 3 pieces: bccbcc-tools and python-bcc. Please install all 3 packages. If you forgot to install python-bcc, when running commands from bcc-tools, you will come across following errors:

# /usr/share/bcc/tools/execsnoop
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/share/bcc/tools/execsnoop", line 21, in <module>
    from bcc import BPF
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'bcc'