Use gdb’s convenience functions

Today I tried to set a conditional breakpoint in my program when a string variable is assigned one specific value:

b foo.c:488 if (int)strcmp(foo, "foo") == 0

But unfortunately, the gdb will exit with following error:

Unable to restore previously selected frame:
Selected thread is running.
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'gdb_exception_error'

After checking in stackoverflow, I found gdb‘s convenience functions. So using $_streq instead of strcmp:

b foo.c:488 if $_streq(foo, "foo")

The gdb works like a charm!

Use tshark to filter HTTP streams

Below is a screen shot of HTTP flows: GET request spans packet 4 and 5, while response is packet 9:

To filter HTTP stream, if use -Y http only:

$ tshark -nr tcp.pcap -Y http -w http.pcap

Only the last segment of GET request will be saved to file:

So -2 option is needed:

$ tshark -nr tcp.pcap -Y http -2 -w http.pcap

This time, the full GET request is saved: