Parse BPF_ARRAY macro in bcc

BPF_ARRAY is a very common macro used in bcc scripts. To analyze it, I put all BPF_ARRAY related macros in an example file:

// Changes to the macro require changes in BFrontendAction classes
#define BPF_F_TABLE(_table_type, _key_type, _leaf_type, _name, _max_entries, _flags) \
struct _name##_table_t { \
  _key_type key; \
  _leaf_type leaf; \
  _leaf_type * (*lookup) (_key_type *); \
  _leaf_type * (*lookup_or_init) (_key_type *, _leaf_type *); \
  int (*update) (_key_type *, _leaf_type *); \
  int (*insert) (_key_type *, _leaf_type *); \
  int (*delete) (_key_type *); \
  void (*call) (void *, int index); \
  void (*increment) (_key_type); \
  int (*get_stackid) (void *, u64); \
  _leaf_type data[_max_entries]; \
  int flags; \
}; \
__attribute__((section("maps/" _table_type))) \
struct _name##_table_t _name = { .flags = (_flags) }

#define BPF_TABLE(_table_type, _key_type, _leaf_type, _name, _max_entries) \
BPF_F_TABLE(_table_type, _key_type, _leaf_type, _name, _max_entries, 0);

#define BPF_ARRAY1(_name) \
  BPF_TABLE("array", int, u64, _name, 10240)
#define BPF_ARRAY2(_name, _leaf_type) \
  BPF_TABLE("array", int, _leaf_type, _name, 10240)
#define BPF_ARRAY3(_name, _leaf_type, _size) \
  BPF_TABLE("array", int, _leaf_type, _name, _size)

// helper for default-variable macro function
#define BPF_ARRAYX(_1, _2, _3, NAME, ...) NAME

// Define an array function, some arguments optional
// BPF_ARRAY(name, leaf_type=u64, size=10240)
#define BPF_ARRAY(...) \

enum stat_types {
  S_COUNT = 1,

void main(void)
  BPF_ARRAY(stats, u64, S_MAXSTAT + 1); 

Use gcc -E to preprocess it (I have formatted code to make it clear):

# 1 "test.c"
# 1 "<built-in>"
# 1 "<command-line>"
# 31 "<command-line>"
# 1 "/usr/include/stdc-predef.h" 1 3 4
# 32 "<command-line>" 2
# 1 "test.c"
# 38 "test.c"
enum stat_types {
    S_COUNT = 1,

void main(void)
    struct stats_table_t { 
      int key; 
      u64 leaf; 
      u64 * (*lookup) (int *); 
      u64 * (*lookup_or_init) (int *, u64 *); 
      int (*update) (int *, u64 *); 
      int (*insert) (int *, u64 *); 
      int (*delete) (int *);
      void (*call) (void *, int index); 
      void (*increment) (int); 
      int (*get_stackid) (void *, u64); 
      u64 data[S_MAXSTAT + 1]; 
      int flags; 
    __attribute__((section("maps/" "array"))) struct stats_table_t stats = { .flags = (0) };;

Let’s analyze how the final result is got:


BPF_ARRAY(stats, u64, S_MAXSTAT + 1)    

will be expanded to (__VA_ARGS__ will be replaced by all arguments):

BPF_ARRAYX(stats, u64, S_MAXSTAT + 1, BPF_ARRAY3, BPF_ARRAY2, BPF_ARRAY1)(stats, u64, S_MAXSTAT + 1)

(2) According to:

// helper for default-variable macro function
#define BPF_ARRAYX(_1, _2, _3, NAME, ...) NAME

BPF_ARRAYX(stats, u64, S_MAXSTAT + 1, BPF_ARRAY3, BPF_ARRAY2, BPF_ARRAY1)(stats, u64, S_MAXSTAT + 1) will be replaced by following code:

BPF_ARRAY3(stats, u64, S_MAXSTAT + 1)

We can compared it to BPF_ARRAY1 (both _leaf_type and size have default values) and BPF_ARRAY2 (only size have default value.).

(3) Convert BPF_ARRAY3 to final BPF_F_TABLE is more straightforward, so I won’t drill that down.

Use the same method you can analyze other macros, such as BPF_HASH. Hope this small post can give you a tip!