Add timestamp for pcap file’s name

I wrote a post about splitting large pcap file into small ones before. After that, you should add timestamp for pcap‘s file name, and it will be easy for you to find related pcap files to process.

Assume there is a folder which includes all pcap files generated by following tcpdump command:

tcpdump -r input.pcap -w ./pcap/frag -C 1000

It will generate ./pcap/frag./pcap/frag1, …, etc. You can use following script to add timestamp for every file:


cd "$directory" || exit 1

for old_file_name in *
    timestamp=$(tshark -nr "${old_file_name}" -T fields -e frame.time_epoch -c 1)
    mv "${old_file_name}" "${new_file_name}"

The file’s name will be fragxx.1542222065.974954000.pcap now.

P.S., the script can be downloaded here.

The c99 program on Void Linux

Today I found there is a c99 program in Void Linux:

$ c99
cc: fatal error: no input files
compilation terminated.
$ which c99

Check what it is:

$ file /usr/bin/c99
/usr/bin/c99: POSIX shell script, ASCII text executable
$ cat /usr/bin/c99
exec /usr/bin/cc -std=c99 "$@"

Um, just a shell script which invokes /usr/bin/cc. So check cc program:

$ ll /usr/bin/cc
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 3 Jun  9 05:32 /usr/bin/cc -> gcc

Oh, a link to gcc.