Select disk when installing SLES 12

When installing SLES(SUSE Linux Enterprise Server) 12, I find the installation may corrupt other OSs. For example, I have two disks: the first(/dev/sda) has been installed the Fedora, and I want to install SLES on disk 2(/dev/sdb) :



If no attention, the SLES may occupy both disks:


The solutions is select “Create Partition Setup...“: 6

Select the second disk:


Then “Next“, “Next“…. The SLES can do the partition automatically:


You can install SLES now.


How to modify the local version of Linux kernel?

Execute “make menuconfig” command, then select “General setup” -> “Local version - append to kernel release“. Add you preferred name, e.g.: “.nan“, then save it.

Check if it is saved in .config file successfully:

[root@linux]# grep -i ".nan" .config

After making sure it is saved successfully, you can execute “make” command.