Use DTrace on OmniOS

Using DTrace on OmniOS is not straightforward:

$ pfexec dtrace -n 'syscall:::'
dtrace: failed to initialize dtrace: DTrace device not available on system

Need to install both dtrace and dtrace/providers packages:

$ pfexec pkg install dtrace dtrace/providers

Now the DTrace module is loaded:

$ modinfo | grep dtrace
  5 fffffffff8243000  1af28 280   1  dtrace (Dynamic Tracing)

Then it will work!

P.S., Thanks for Andy Fiddaman‘s help!

Building OmniOS requires some memory

I followed Building OmniOS to build OmniOS, but met following errors:

$ pfexec /opt/ooce/bin/omni build_world
./buildctl: fork: Not enough space
../lib/ line 627: wait_for: No record of process 22984
../lib/ fork: Not enough space
Waiting for illumos build...

The reason is the virtual machine which I used has only ~1.5G memory, and it is not enough. Increase the memory to 4G, then it is OK to build.

Build OpenSSL on OmniOS

Clone OpenSSL and create a build directory:

# git clone
# cd openssl
# mkdir build
# cd build

List the supported build platforms of openssl:

# ../Configure LIST

Because there is no illumos option, use Solaris instead. At the same time, I want to build in debug mode:

# ../Configure solaris64-x86_64-gcc --debug
# make
# make test

That’s all!

Install OmniOS on VirtualBox

Following document to install OmniOS is quite straightforward. I use r151030 version and pick Solaris 11 during selecting Operating Systems on VirtualBox. To use root login through SSH, I need to do following changes:

(1) Set PermitRootLogin‘s value to yes in /etc/ssh/sshd_config file;

(2) Restart SSH service:

# svcadm restart ssh

A fresh OmniOS is born:


When installing r151032, I found selecing Oracle Solaris 10 10/09 and later (64-bit) can work.

Solaris : How to enable ssh login for root user after a fresh install.