What is it like in my working day?

In the morning of every working day, the first thing I will do is synchronizing all the code repositories, and check the modifications committed by colleagues from other timezones when I was sleep, especially pay attention to the changes relevant to my work. At the same time, I also need to process the unread mails and slack messages.

After that, I will begin my daily work, mostly 3 kinds of tasks:
a) Develop new features;
b) Fix bugs;
c) Review other people’s PRs (Pull Requests). The reason that I list reviewing PRs separately is I find this task really costs significant time and energy since you need to understand how other people thought when coding.

Definitely, sometimes there will be an interrupt, e.g., someone asks me one question, and I need to pause current work and answer it. This is inevitable in a cooperated environment.

The above is my typical daily routine, and that’s it.

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