Use epoll in multiple-thread programming

epoll provides a simple but high-efficient polling mechanism:

(1) epoll_create1 creates a epoll instance;
(2) epoll_ctl modifies the file descriptors in epoll instance;
(3) epoll_wait is used to wait I/O events.

Moustique shows a method of using epoll in multiple-thread program:

auto event_loop_fn = [listen_fd, conn_handler] {

    int epoll_fd = epoll_create1(0);

    epoll_ctl(listen_fd, EPOLLIN | EPOLLET);

    const int MAXEVENTS = 64;

    // Event loop.
    epoll_event events[MAXEVENTS];
    while (true)
      int n_events = epoll_wait (epoll_fd, events, MAXEVENTS, -1);

Every thread has its own epoll instance, and monitors the listen_fd. When a new connection is established, a dedicated thread will serve it. Since every thread has its own epoll instance and events, this will eliminate synchronization among threads.

If you want multiple threads using the same epoll instance, I think this topic can be a reference.

One thought on “Use epoll in multiple-thread programming”

  1. 1 epoll per thread works but I think it takes an important flexibility away. Basically the sockets or fds r partitioned and tied to different threads and can never migrate from one thread to another. If the sockets IO on one thread gets busy, and sockets r very idle on another thread, the other thread cannot be of help since it doesn’t cover the busy sockets.

    If u use a thread pool to rescue this issue. A part of ur code could run on one thread now and on a different thread later. At that time, u totally lose the advantage of no need for thread safe synchronization.

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